The Pariah Missouri RPG is here!

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The Role-playing game

The Pariah Missouri Role-playing Sourcebook will plug and play into whatever RPG system you want to use.  Currently the plan is to have Savage Worlds, FATE, and many more!  It will have all the background, characters, NPCs, maps and campaigns needed to create a rich world.  Think of it as a campaign book that will have everything the GM needs to add Pariah to whatever rule system they enjoy.  Included will be stats for all the major characters and everything you need to play Pariah!  Full-color with art on every page 8.5 x 11.

It is a game-system neutral book, that has stats for gaming in Savage Worlds, Fate, Hero and many more systems.

If you’d like a copy or have a suggestion for a local retailer to carry our book, please contact us!


The book is full-color, over 140 pages with beautiful art and history of the world of Pariah Missouri, the supernatural frontier of the 1850s.

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Pariah Missouri weird western
Pariah Missouri weird western

Today we had our second play-test of the Pariah Missouri campaign sourcebook role-playing game using the Savage Worlds game system. It was in Pasadena CA, at the Game Empire store. It was a warm day and the room was packed, but we finally found a spot.


This time we had four players and they picked the four main characters from the books, Hiram, Nellie, Jean and Toro, a motley bunch for sure.

*Warning – potential spoilers for Book 1 and 2 of Pariah Missouri.*


The quartet jumped off the steamboat and gathered their bearings amidst the throng of people on the docks. Nellie noticed that there was a concert of young boys working the docks, unloading/docking barrels, bushels and boxes from the riverboats. A tall and wiry man oversees the young workers.

The players decided to move down the thoroughfare and see the sights.  Attempting to get a beverage to wash down the trail dust at the Blue Bird, a black man in rags is thrown from the shabby establishment and a group of rough trappers surround him.  Within minutes a bucket of tar and two moldy pillows are brought to the scene.  The players decide to interrupt the would-be tar and feathering, which would have resulted in a fist-a-cuffs if it wasn’t for the quick-wit of Hiram and the imposing figure of of the Comanche bountyhunter Toro.  Hiram paid the free-black’s debt, told him to scoot, and walking into the Blue Bird.


It wasn’t a few moments later that the team left, due to the stink of the saloon, but they did learn a few things about the town, including the Marshal Cody has been missing for two weeks.

They walked down to the Hitching Post Inn and met Virgil Wolcott, the Hotelier.  He must have some sorta sickness, with his coughing.  They got a room at a discount, again due to Hiram’s charm and when they were about to clean up in the rooms, they met two actors coming down the stairs.  They were more than actors though, immaculately formaldressed in the highest fashion, they sparkled with a beauty that was incomparable to anything seen before.  Entranced, the quartet were invited to a performance later this evening, and with that, the actors left the inn.

The players went back out in the darkness to find the pavillion of performers when Nellie heard a sound.

Was that a scream?  After a little walking, they came across an eerie sight

Pariah II Elijah Harris

A group of common folk in the middle of a freshly plowed field stood in from of a young family, an older man, preaching to them, with eyes full of hate and darkness.


An enormous snake grew and coiled around a small child, the parents bound howled into the night.  Toro was shaken at the sight of such evil, but the heroes girded up and ran to save the family.  The followers of this evil preacher came upon them and ripped and clawed at our heroes, who by now had drawn their weapons to strike them with the butt of their pistols.  Toro transformed into a large grizzly bear and ripped into the cultists.


It didn’t take long until the preacher attempted to escape into the night.  He ran, as fast as his portly body could run, but it was not quick enough for Nellie and Jean.  Caught at a tree the heroes gave him a chance to surrender, and when that option was turned down, Jean did what he thought best, place a bullet in the brain-pan.  Nellie wanted to question him further, but Jean decided that the preacher needed to be “put down” before other dark magicks were about.

After some negotiating with the victims, our heroes left for the inn, having missed the performance of the actors.

The next morning, they visited the Veil, the local dancing hall.


It was there that they met Sally a favorite of the missing marshal’s and she was eager to leave Pariah.  They planned to meet later in the day, when a large figure entered the hall, formaldressed in black leathers, he shouted out for the where-a bouts of Marshal Cody.  It was then that our hero, Hiram Buchanan stood up and said, “Here I am, I’m the marshal in this town.”


The game continued on and we had a very fun experience.  Our next Demo will be Thursday Sept 11 6pm at Seth’s Comics and Games in Ventura CA.  If you have suggestions on where to play a game at SoCal, please contact me.  Also I’m looking for some FATE CORE players to run this same game in FATE.

To learn more about Pariah Missouri please go to  The current Kickstarter is live until Sept. 23.

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