Flight home
Little sketch on the way home, pen.
Little sketch on the way home, pen.
This is from a beach near Culiacan called Nuevo Atata. This is all brush, my N&W series 7 sable brush on the sand on a windy day with a water bottle I used to clean the ink off the brush. I like these two.
I did these standing in the street with Rapidiograph in hand, no pencils, so it’s sketchy-look. I then went inside and through a little colors on the sketches.
In my grandma’s house, the staircase in the living room, I was there visiting for Christmas in 2004.
This is the beginning of my Moleskine notebook. I use a rapidiograph pen, 0.3 mm and a little watercolor over that. This is the street in front of my grandma’s house in Culiacan Mexico
http://andysbimmerblog.blogspot.com/ A biscuit would not be a biscuit without having a blog about something fun you bought. Obsession is part of being a Biscuit.
You’ve heard this before…. but I’m serious this time. New episodes are coming your way soon!!1! Word.
You know when a valuable tool becomes useless all you want to do is throw it away, but you keep it around just in case you get desperate enough to go back to it, well for me that is Craigslist. Like ebay, Craigslist was originally amazing and I used it for both finding actors for …
In my effort to post everyday, I will post a quick note about my Labor day. We went out and played some Volleyball here in Ventura, got some good games in. Oh, also watched a little of that show Fringe. Its pretty good. Think X-files by JJ Abrams.
Anyone who has been in love will appreciate the truth that is in this movie. I saw this yesterday and I must say I enjoyed the movie very much. While there are parts that are not the most original in the world (The debate that there are no more original stories left in the world, …
Today I wanted to talk about Spiderwoman Agent of S.W.O.R.D #1 the first big push by Disney….er I mean Marvel into the world of what they are calling “Motion Comics” For $0.99 (now I think its $1.99) you can download a 10 minute motion comic, with limited animation and voice acting. I’ll first talk about …
+ = Awesomeness. Season 2 has begun. Episode #1 is ripe for the picking and I hope your auditory nerve endings are ready for the cacophony of radness that is about to come down from Heaven and smite thee like Mijolnir, the Hammer of Thor! Not for the Faint of Heart! Not for those that …
Biscuit #62 – Going to the bookstore not to buy books, but just to hang out and read them because you are cheap. Just because some activities have become socially acceptable does not diminish their Biscosity. There are a lot of things that are now coming into fashion, but really its still being a Biscuit. …
I saw the new Quentin Tarantino movie yesterday, at 3:25pm, another one of the advantages of being unemployed, but hey I saw the matinee, so what the heck. I’ll first start off with my history with Quentin and go from there.I first saw Pulp Fiction in 1996 just about a year or so after it …
Can you believe soemone was going to throw this hat away?Well, I went to take out the trash…one of the new tasks befitting of a newly unemployed newlywed and lo and behold this hat was there next to the bin. I took it and now will find new ways to incorporate into my daily life. …