Paranormal Activity: Ghost Dimension (2016)
I love found footage films. There I said it. Last year I reviewed Blair Witch (the original) and I still think it’s a very good horror film. I liked Chronicle, and the VHS series. When Paranormal Activity came out, I thought it was good. As the sequels came out, I think the quality of the storytelling waned, but I still watched them.
On Amazon Prime, the Ghost Dimension is out, it’s the 5th in the series. I actually like the conceit, they find an old handy-cam VHS recorder that can record into the spirit world.
It’s well done, I think on par with the others. Nothing really sings in this film though, and after seeing it I have to say that it’s jst the same scares. After 7 hours of the Paranormal films, this just feels rote and I’m feeling the fatigue of the franchise. Once again the Hollywood machine see a cash-cow and run it into the ground.
It’s okay to good, but unless you are a big fan I’d say pass. I’m glad “It All Ends Here.”